Monday, May 9, 2011

So, what's next?

     This is me! I crossed the finish line last week at the 2011 Lead Strong Half-Marathon in 2 hours and 8 minutes. I know I stated before that I was finished blogging about this but pictures taken by the event organizers were just released and this was one of many. I was feeling very triumphant at this point (as well as relieved).

     After giving myself a week to rest (actually I took a week to catch up on some things) I went out for my first run this evening. The run was a short 3 miles but I could definitely tell that I had taken some time off and I got reacquainted with an old friend, the pain in my left ankle. I don't know why it's just the one ankle. I've been blaming the running shoes for a while now...and they will continue to be blamed. Until then, I will be running through it and hopefully on to my next adventure. But what is the next adventure?

     The Baltimore marathon is in October but unfortunately I can't afford the registration fee. Plus, with a time of 2 hours 8 minutes during a half-marathon am I ready for a full marathon? I don't know really. With this ankle pain I'm definitely not. In the mean time, I'll be hitting the gym much more often and I'll keep my eyes open for slightly shorter and less costly events.

Take care of yourself and each other.


1 comment:

  1. Brad! Congrats dude!!! It must of been exhilarating crossing that finish line as well as a big relief! My hat off to you my friend. Not many people (in particular, Americans) can say that have completed a half marathon or a marathon. They probably cannot even remember that last time they got up and did some exercise!
    By the way, I enjoy reading your blog so keep them coming.
