Saturday, May 28, 2011

First Pictures of my garden!

     My own garden is in full swing and growing rapidly. It seems to me that things are off to a slow start but then I have to keep in mind that the growing season starts much later here in the more northern latitudes and I have been caring for most of these plants since the end of February. But, I have already harvested a great deal of arugula and herbs. I'm just hoping I have enough herbs to cook with when all my vegetables are ready for harvest.

     I split my garden into two sections. I'm growing all of my herbs and leafy greens in pots along with a few varieties of tomatoes on my side porch. The excellent soil and ample sunlight has caused these plants to do very well and to grow faster than the plants that are in the garden in the front yard. I actually like growing plants in pots more. It seems like a more efficient use of spaces, I can move the pots around to get ideal sunlight, and it seems to be a lot less work. The garden plot in my front yard is mainly a clay pit. The soil isn't ideal but somehow the plants have grown. Nature man, can't argue with it. So, enjoy these first photos of my garden. There will be more to come. If you have any questions about gardening of any kind leave some responses.

     I'll be writing a lot more about my garden (as well as the Towson University Urban Farm) in the coming weeks. Until then...

Take care of yourself and each other...

First flower blooms on my tomatoes! 

The mint is taking it is known to do.

My potted tomato plants and the infamous pink watering jug

Some lemon balm and cinnamon basil

A pot of basil, chives, dill, and rosemary


These are one variety of beans I'm growing. I decided to use the chain link fence as a trellis system

A sweet Antigua pepper plant. One of 5 pepper varieties I'm growing.

Some kale and a different variety of beans in the background

More beans!


  1. The beans with the red flowers are so beautiful! What about the cukes?

  2. I have two cucumber plants but I didn't photograph them yet. They already have flowers though. I planted them close to the fence this year so I hope that they will start trailing in that direction.

  3. Lots of questions for you:

    -What kind of camera did you use for these shots? They're really good.

    -For the plants in pots, did you have to put something (like stones) at the bottom before adding the soil? Do you put holes in the bottom of the pots so the water can drain?

    -I have a mint plant and I'm using it up already. Do the leaves grow back? Maybe I need to move mine to a bigger pot since it's in a really tiny one right now.

    Basic questions, I know...I'm not experienced with plants (yet). Thanks for your help. :)

  4. I use a Canon PowerShot A3300 IS. I used the vivid setting here because I really like the way the colors pop. And thanks!

    I didn't add any stones to the bottoms of my pots but they all have holes for water drainage (that is very important). I also used a mix of organic potting soil and composted manure (about a 50/50 ratio).

    Mint can be regrown from stem cuttings usually. Mint is extremely hardy and will take over a garden if you aren't careful. That's why I always recommend growing it in pots. Once the leaves are picked I don't think they will grow back but try clipping off a nice hardy stem and replanting it in soil. See what happens. Also, large pots are best with mint. It will continue to grow as long as it has the space. Check out this website for more info:

    These are all great questions! Keep them coming.
