Sunday, March 13, 2011

Time to Germinate!

     Gardening season is almost upon us! The weather is getting warmer (although only slightly here in Maryland) and the days are getting longer. It is almost time to start growing my own food and I'm looking forward to it. Last year was the first year I grew a garden and it certainly was a success but I also learned a lot about "what not to do". So, this summer will hopefully be a time for innovation and a chance to increase my yield while decreasing water and soil usage.  I have seeds germinating in peat pots among other things at the moment and hopefully in a week or two there will be growth. I have about a month before plants can start going in the ground (you should always wait until after the last frost in your area) so that gives me plenty of time to work the soil and prepare.

 Not a great picture but you get the idea.

     One thing I have learned is that you need very little space to grow a lot of food. My garden is about 6x15 feet and that was more than enough to have plenty of fresh vegetables and have enough left over to share with a few neighbors and friends. You need even less space if you decide to grow in pots. So, make the effort to grow something. Growing your own food can not only save you a lot of money on grocery bills in the long run but can also be a good way to spend time with friends and family.   

This year's seeds.

     I don't know which I enjoy more, buying seed or actually growing my vegetables. There are a lot of great resources on the net for heirloom and organic seed varieties and I'm always on the lookout for a new or interesting plants. My favorite seed dealer is Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds out of Missouri. They have great prices and an absolutely amazing selection of some very unusual varieties of tomatoes, beans, peppers, greens, etc. Don't forget about your local seed dealers however. Organic farms are popping up all over the nation right now so get out and explore your area. Befriend your local organic farmer! Maybe they will hook you up with some cool swag.    

Take care of each other.

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