Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tasty Tuesday!

Montreal Poutine

     I know what a lot of you are saying. Enough with all the healthy food already! While reviewing the Tasty Tuesday posts I realized that all the recipes so far have been vegetarian. I've stated before that I am not a vegetarian but I don't eat meat very often. So, to satisfy all you savage carnivores out there I decided to make one of my favorite foods of all time. Poutine! If you aren't familiar with this Canadian delicacy it is basically gravy fries and cheese curds, covered in deliciousness, with a side of "I can't believe my heart hasn't exploded yet". Cheese curds may be hard to find outside of the Wisconsin, Michigan, Canada area but chunks of any cheese will do the trick. The version I make here is better known as Montreal style poutine the only difference  from the traditional being a wider variety of toppings besides gravy. I'm not adding any actual meat to my recipe (just the meat gravy) but seasoned hamburger is a great addition. So, eat up guys. Indulge once and a while. Enjoy!

  • Your choice frozen french fries (I prefer the skin on home-style but that's just me)
  • Gravy (nothing fancy, Heinz makes a decent jarred variety)
  • Cheese Curds
  • From here the sky is the limit for your choice of toppings but I went with onion, red bell pepper. and pickled banana pepper rings

1. Bake the fries according to package directions.

2. Heat the gravy in a small pot until bubbling.

3. Pour said gravy over the fries once they are done.

4. Cover in as many cheese curds as possible.

5. Add the toppings.

6. Mix

7. Drink beer while eating.

The Fries. No need to get uppity. Frozen will do.

Stephanie masterfully places the fries in the oven.

Stir the gravy. Try to look as handsome as me while doing so.

Chop the onions.

And the bell pepper

Sautee in a little butter or olive oil

The main ingredient, Cheese Curds!

Pour the sauteed vegetables over the fries and cheese curds.

Next.....the gravy

Now, the picked banana pepper rings.
MORE CHEESE CURDS!                                        

Stuff your face.

Special Thanks to Stephanie for taking time out of her day to eat unhealthy food with me.

Take care of yourself and each other....

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