Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The 2011 Lead Strong Half-Marathon (Update)

     Race day is this Saturday and if you want the honest truth...I'm extremely nervous. My last run (this last Sunday) didn't go very well. In fact, since I began following the running plan, this is the only run that I wasn't able to complete. Now, I shouldn't be that hard on myself. The running plan called for a 10 mile run while I only ran 9 so all in all my performance wasn't that bad. Still, I started to question my ability to run a full 13.1 miles on race day and I have never questioned myself before.

     There were a few things going against me this last Sunday. The weather was absolutely fantastic and it was most likely the nicest day I've had during my runs. On the other hand, it was also the hottest day. The morning temps were already in the 80's and since I didn't plan accordingly I became extremely dehydrated, which also has never happened before. Also, since I felt nostalgic that morning for some reason, I decided to wear an old pair of running shoes and it didn't take me long to remember why I bought new shoes in the first place. I had a blister on my left foot that was so large it looked like I had a sixth toe!

     Additionally, I've been having pain in my left foot since the last run ended. I've been icing it down in the evening and I'm happy to say that as of right now I am pain free. I believe the foot pain was preventable. I haven't been stretching as much as I should. I've learned my lesson now.

All of these are excuses....I know.

     But, I just went for a short run and I feel great....again. I feel ready for the race. I've mentioned before that I plan to cut back to three days of running once the race is over and I will pick up another day of lifting weights. Until next running related blog post will be this Saturday after the race. See you then.

Take care of yourself and each other...


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