Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Lifelong Battle with Sleep (UPDATE)

     Over the past few weeks I've had quite a few successes and just a handful of failures when it came to getting my sleep schedule on track. I did quite a bit of research and found a myriad of suggestions regarding healthy sleep habits, sleeping more soundly, and getting out of bed at a reasonable time in the morning. Most of those suggestions were quite helpful but some were just bizarre such as placing a coffee maker next to your bed so you can reach over first thing in the morning and grab a steaming cup of Joe. I'm sure that scenario would actually work but with my luck and incredibly dexterity I would just end up with severe burns on my face and terrible coffee stains on my sheets. Plus, how would I explain the weirdness of having a coffee maker next to the bed?

     My biggest problem with sleeping has been "turning off my brain" at night. It is hard to go to sleep with a million things running through your head. Usually, I will lay in bed, relaxed, trying to get some sleep, when my brain will suddenly say:
                          "Hey, let's contemplate all the vastness and inner workings of the Universe!"
This is common for a lot of people but points to a much larger problem. I find that I thrive on simplicity. I find that I thrive when I have less "stuff". I find that when I de-clutter my life so follows my mind and thus, I sleep better.  

     After doing a little research and some experimentation I have found what works for me and I will list those below. All of these suggestions may not work for you but I'm sure some of them will.

  • Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time. - Have a set bed time every night and conversely have a set time you wake up every morning. Starting a routine is key to long term success in pretty much everything you do.
  • Wake up and stretch. - When your alarm clock goes off in the morning instead of quickly hitting the snooze and getting back under the covers (which is so tempting) take a moment to stretch, do a few side twists, and start the day. You are not a bear....don't continue to hibernate. 
  • Turn off ALL electronic devices 1 hour before your bed time.  - The television, and in my case my laptop, is the single biggest reason people are getting less and less sleep these days. Turn them all off and read a book. Or, use the time to get rid of clutter in your house. Studies show that having a less cluttered home is a good way to clear your mind at night.  
  • Lay off the caffeine throughout the day. -But that goes without saying.
  • Drink plenty of water. - Staying hydrated throughout the day, with water not soft drinks, is great for all around health in general but you are at your most dehydrated state as soon as you wake up in the morning. You have just gone 8 hours without drinking any liquid and you are respiring the whole night. Keep a Nalgene of water next to your bed and drink a cup or two when you wake up.
  • Let technology help you. - I found a lot of computer software and phone apps that are designed to help you with sleep. I didn't try many of these because they just seemed to be more trouble than they are worth but I can recommend one. I had read about a computer program that is designed to change the color and hues of your computer screen throughout the day to reduce eye strain. It is called F.lux software and I can honestly say that it has worked for me. It's FREE and a very quick download. Check it out and read more here.
  • Melatonin  - I've done a lot of reading on the hormone Melatonin. It is found naturally in all mammals and plays a role in regulating circadian rhythm. I am always wary of any substance that is used to regulate sleep (i.e. sleeping pills) but after my own research and listening to others who use it, I knew I had to try it myself. I can easily say that it works for me. I don't take a Melatonin tablet every night but I do take them on nights that I know I will have trouble sleeping or I will have trouble calming my mind. Talk to your doctor (if you're lucky enough to have one) if you have any questions. I found that you can find Melatonin pretty much anywhere that sells vitamins but Trader Joe's has the most reasonably priced bottle I could find. 

That's really about it. Simplicity! Just the way I like it. I'll be exploring sleep a lot more in the future so I may add to the list and more posts are sure to come. Do you have any suggestions? Let me know.

Take care of yourself and each other...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tasty Tuesday!

Egg White Frittata with Fresh Broccoli and Mixed Greens

     My favorite meal of the day BY FAR is breakfast. At heart I know everyone else agrees with me. Breakfast is so great that it is very common for people to have "Breakfast for Dinner". Honestly it's just an excuse to eat pancakes at night but this practice is proof that breakfast foods are the most preferred type of food. You don't often hear people having "Dinner for Breakfast". No one wants to have "Late Night Dinner that You Made With Leftover Obscure Condiments You had in the Refrigerator Because You Didn't Have Time to Go To the Grocery Store Earlier That Day for Breakfast". But, we've all been there and nothing reeks more of failure.

     But, my typical breakfast usually consists of a bowl of oatmeal. I don't have much time to eat breakfast in the morning due to certain work schedules and I find that is true for most people. That's why on weekends I try to make it a point to spend the entire morning making a nice breakfast for myself, usually consisting of coffee, eggs, toast, jam, and whatever blogs, books, or news stories I've been meaning to catch up on. 

     I haven't featured many breakfast recipes here in the past (check out: Blueberry Scones and Vegan Breakfast Burritos) but I'll try to make it a point to due so in the future. Also, all the photos I took in this post used natural light from my kitchen window. It was a bit of an experiment but I'm pleased with the outcome. Hope you like the recipe. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tasty Tuesday!

Vegan Braised Chinese Mushrooms and Bok Choy

     First post of the new year!!! Happy 2012 everybody. So after all the holiday eating I thought I would post a simple and light recipe from the NY Times for everyone to enjoy. This recipe calls for Chinese dried mushrooms but you can substitute fresh mushrooms if you like but this may be a good opportunity for you to go exploring that Asian market you've been meaning to check out. You would be surprised how cheap and plentiful dried mushrooms are. 

     I've talked a lot about how inexpensive ethnic grocery stores can be in previous "Tasty Tuesday" posts (see: Baba ghanoush, Thai Red Curry Eggplant and Mustard Greens, Hummus) and after exploring yet another local store recently, that statement still holds true. Also, they're usually family owned so you can feel good about spending your money there. Anyway, enjoy this easy recipe and I know all of you will have great accomplishments this year!